Sunday, December 6, 2009

the favourite sound, by people which I asked:

the firewood braking
the rain falling
the sea waves
an underwater life

a resonance of the air in a park

mandala rice sprinkling
a sigh of relief
the rainstorm
a first steps on the wild snow

an information noise

the birds of Prenzlauer Berg
or the dolphins
this one when you open a parachute

an orgasm scream
the railway
the money chink
the radio d-j's voices

the whisper
the music
the bubbles of air in a snorkel
or by filling the first glass of wine

a jingle
a kiss
the heart beat
the letter k
the laugh of a baby
the brook
the breath
bike ticking
cat purring
om ma ni pe me hung


grg said...

just random-ppl on the street or ppl u know? in 2nd case it also would have been funny to know who said what =) .... mine is the ringing of the alarm clock at 5:30 in the morning, when u r havin a hang-over ;)

k. said...

yeah right alarm clock! dr House was right: don't ask people, they lying ;)
I asked many friends of mine, but also some random people, cannot say who, it was an annonym question-air.

Unknown said...

what a beatiful poem....besides humor and ironical comments